Our SizeYou and SizeYou Professional Apps for IOS & ANDROID

Our SizeYou and SizeYou Professional Apps for IOS & ANDROID

Our SizeYou and SizeYou Professional Apps for IOS & ANDROID

SizeYou and SizeYou Professional are mobile apps that collect anthropometric 3D measurements of the human body through an image analysis process of photos taken with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

It has been experimentally verified that these measurements have a better level of precision than those collected by a group of professional tailors.

The measurement process on which our App is based uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms both to improve the user experience of the user when taking the photo and to improve the estimation of the statistical measurements of the human body. The algorithms were trained to define the collection points dynamically on the body in order to reproduce the behavior of a tailor.

The app back office allows companies to:

- see the measurement points on the body contour and posture

- carry out dynamic modifications of the stitches (for example for the realization of tailored garments)

- make comparisons between time series of taking measurements (particularly interesting opportunity for the biomedical sector).

One advantage and strength of SizeYou is the guarantee of total anonymity, in fact the image analysis process ensures that the face is not contained in any analyzed image and that the identity is protected.

Measurement collection with SizeYou is totally GDPR compliant.

Thanks to this, SizeYou Professional proves particularly suitable for professional use in all sectors in which the protection of privacy and the guarantee of anonymity is absolutely necessary (for example in the field of security, defense, in the biomedical field and in all sectors subject to workers' statute). This process is protected by a PCT patent filed in 2018 and by copyright reserved.

3D measurement collection for fitness and healthcare via the SizeYou Professional app - How does it work?

The process of collecting human body measurements developed by i-Deal, thanks to its peculiar approach that guarantees total anonymity on data and the protection of users' identity, lends itself to multiple commercial applications.

The company subscribed to SizeYou Professional will provide the registration credentials to the subjects to be measured, which will be identified exclusively by an alphanumeric code. Only the client company will therefore be able to assign an identity to this code and will have access to the back office where the measures for each worker / patient and the outline of his / her physical shape with the indication of the points of taking measures are saved.

Given the need for confidentiality and absolute protection of the identity of the subjects, for reasons of security and compliance with the Workers' Statute, the approach adopted by i-Deal has allowed entry into this market, otherwise precluded.

The measures collected by the apps have been defined to be used in different areas: the same profile can be used to receive the indication of the best clothing size, to buy a tailored garment and at the same time to receive a diet or a program fitness programs.


3D measurements collection for e-commerce via SizeYou app - How does it work?

Collection of 3D consumer measurements for the online purchase of tailored garments or the indication of the most correct size. The service is provided through the SizeYou App and a plugin integrated into the e-commerce platform.

Our long-term goal is to integrate all these services, and those that will be added in the future, in the app in order to provide an ever wider menu to the user, increase involvement, exploit the synergies between the different suppliers and offer a possible vehicle for personalized services, for example shop assistant and product availability alert in its size.

The ecosystem that will be created will be open to the integration of new features that exploit the anthropometric measures of the consumer.

Users of the SizeYou Professional app will also be able to use their service for this purpose as the profile assigned to them, even anonymously, is suitable for the use of these services because it is complete with all the necessary anthropometric measures.


For more information contact us

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