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How it works

Home /How it works

How it works

SizeYou is a solution for the anthropometric measurement of the human body, accurate and safe, even remotely. It uses a combination of innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence, to provide precise and reliable measurements in few minutes.

App: Collect the measurements

The measurement process starts with the SizeYou mobile App. The App leads the user through a series of simple steps in order to take the two photographs needed for data collection.

BackOffice - Manage the data

The collected measurements are uploaded into the SizeYou BackOffice. The BackOffice provides an intuitive interface to view, manage and share customer/patient sheets.


Circumferences and Lengths collected

SizeYou collects a wide range of anthropometric measurements. The provided circumferences and lengths can be used in different sectors, such as medical, wellness, technical clothing, fashion, even in motorsport and beauty salons.

Data protection

SizeYou cares about the privacy and the safety of your customers. This is why we have developed a technology that preserves the identity and data of the subjects measured. Let’s see which protection solutions have been developed on the App side and the BackOffice side, and how you can start the measurement procedure from your smartphone in total safety for your business.


Patents and Copyright

SizeYou owns several patents and copyrights for its anthropometric measurement technologies that protect the company’s innovative software and guarantee its customers the safety and reliability of its products.

Start the free trial or request a custom quote

Use SizeYou for free for 7 days. You then decide whether to continue with the subscription of one of our plans.
Otherwise, describe your needs and we will study together a custom solution

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