Test Numero 3

i-Deal has been selected as one of the 4 finalist companies for the award of the I4MS Disruptive Award

i-Deal has been selected as one of the 4 finalist companies for the award of the I4MS Disruptive Award

i-Deal has been selected as one of the 4 finalist companies for the assignment of the I4MS Disruptive Award 2019, for research conducted in the image analysis sector for the collection of atropometric measures of workers through its own SizeYou platform, in support of the manufacturing sector of technical clothing production.

What are the I4MS Disruptive Awards?

It is a European initiative to support manufacturing SMEs and medium-capitalization companies in the widespread use of information and communication technologies in their commercial activities.
Companies can therefore request technological and financial support to carry out experiments to test digital innovations in their activities through open calls.

The SizeYou experiment was in fact funded by the first Open Call of the CloudiFacturing project under the EU Horizon 2020 call.
The winners of the second edition were proclaimed in November 2019 and we were also among the finalists with the SizeYou project.

This event aims to reward the most innovative experiments and ideas in additive manufacturing, CPS, IoT or laser technologies, with the aim of showing the innovation capacity of a company by implementing ICT technologies.

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i-Deal and Akern join forces on CONCERTO project to support the development of AI-based technologies for clinical screening
13 April 2022

i-Deal and Akern join forces on CONCERTO project to support the development of AI-based technologies for clinical screening

CONCERTO will implement a web data-based service starting from 2 clinically validated technologies with a well-established presence on the market: our SizeYou© solution (algorithms for the self-collection of body measurements and anthropometric data by mobile phone) and Bodygram® Software (dedicated platform for the interpretation and reporting of body composition data collected though bioimpedance analyzers). The synergic collaboration of these two different technologies will result in a clinical tool for early diagnosis of specific healthcare conditions related to body composition alteration, like localized adiposity or appendicular lean tissue losses.